A downloadable game for Windows

This is your big day ! Your parents are out of the house, and you are in your bedroom with your boyfriend, all alone at last… When suddenly, Mummy and Daddy come home unexpectedly ! 
Be crafty and hide your compromising stuff anywhere you can before your parents step inside the room. Don’t you dare leave any evidence in plain sight… 

To play this game you’ll need the HTC Vive headset and its controllers. 
Grab objects with your triggers and teleport yourself with your trackpads. 

Edouard Bonnet (programmer) 
Florent Combe (composer : https://soundcloud.com/florentcombe-jv) 
Foehn Gallet (game artist : https://www.linkedin.com/in/foehn-gallet-9096783a) 
Alessandro Legato (project manager : http://alessandro-legato.com) 
Soufian Maaté (programmer : http://soufianmaate.wixsite.com/moncv) 
Camille Moreau (game designer : http://camillemoreau1.wix.com/portfolio) 
Julien Neveu (programmer) 
Tristan Pradens (sound designer : https://fr.linkedin.com/in/tristan-pradens) 
Tara Quinsac (game artist : http://taraquinsac.fr)


FourthBase.zip 37 MB

Install instructions

Run the .exe and play the game with an HTC Vive head

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